When is the best time to let out that pressure on your stomach and you just can't seem to get out of the situation your in. Do what I do... test a little first if it makes no sound then let her rip! But not too fast or it will make a sound.
When is the best time to tell someone they have a booger hanging? If you like the look of the booger cause it looks like Denzel then say nothing. But if it's distracting you from the conversation you can do the finger to nose gesture and try not to embarrass them or do what I do and just flat out tell them that there is a hankie that wants to boogie. And if all else fails and the hints are ignored just tell them that you cannot continue to talk to them until they take care of the business in their nose that wants to escape.
When is the best time to tell someone to shut up? I find myself having the same person wanting to talk to me first thing in the morning. Now I clearly have on headphones for a reason. They are buds but you can clearly see them or hear the tunes coming out of them. Or when someone around you clearly has had NO singing lessons in their life and can't carry a tune even in a bucket! Or the overly nice person that you could really care less about what drama is going on in their life but they insist on telling you what is going on in their pointless world. ...now this one I have trouble with. You may be the only bright spot in someone’s life and they want to share the good, the bad and the ugly. And with this YOU should be the one to shut up and let them let you in. We are all so caught up in ourselves that we don't stop to think that we could be doing good to others no matter how bad it is. They cold be doing you some good too. Take time to open your ears and shut your mouth ...who knows they could be that bright spot to get you going, put a new song in your heart or make you stop and think what your doing wrong in your life. Don't let time melt away from you because you didn't take the time...
Now this is the opinion of Quit Playin' and some of the things that go running threw my mind. Let me know what is running threw your mind