It will be sad day to see this one thing become a thing of the past. I see very soon that the local pizza delivery drivers will become a memory like pay phones. Senseless robberies for what most companies will tell you, our drivers carry no more than $20 bucks! First they jacked up delivery from free to $1.50. Okay I can deal with that plus tip. But now your going to force me to order a pizza from home, try and time when the pizza is done, and go pick it up. Then pray that I timed it just right to still get the pizza home hot! This will deprive me of my social life with the delivery person (men and women). Now they have tried the no deliveries after dusk for protection of the drivers. Granted I understand that. I understand that I gotta eat earlier. But mark my words, in my house the next battle will be who is gong to pick up the pizza and leave everyone starving by the time one gives up and goes to get it. Then I have to worry if I have enough gas in the SUV/truck or should I leave as soon as I hang up, drive by the gas station then back track to get cold pizza. This is getting to be way outta hand for that game time food. Who wants to stock up on frozen pizza?!!? And heat up a whole house? Not the way this summer is starting off.
This is to be funny to show one delima of getting a pizza ordered. I in no way shape, form or fashion condone robbery of any kind. The drivers are out there tyring to make a buck legally like most of us and survive in the crazy world. And with times as hard as they are that $8-11 bucks plus tips is not worth loosing their life for! I hear that some places are rolling 2 deep to deliver 1 pizza. This is outrageous. I pray for those that are still hanging in to survive by doing this job. Support your pizza delivery drivers and tip big. ~QP
It's sad that people can't even do their job without having to worry about getting rob. Even parents keep their foot in their kids ass', there wouldn't be as many crimes as their are. Bad mu' fuckas.